The Real Story Behind Containment Systems

Steel prices keep climbing, and tariffs aren’t helping. That’s why we at GPL Odorizers took a hard look at our containment systems and found a better solution – HDPE containment systems that save you money while improving performance.

The Real Story Behind Containment Systems

Let’s face it – nobody gets excited about containment systems until there’s a problem. But here’s the thing: every odorizer needs proper containment to catch any odorant leaks. For years, we all used steel because that’s just what you did. But steel has its problems – it rusts, it’s heavy, and with today’s tariffs, it’s getting more expensive by the day.

Why HDPE Makes Sense

Think about what you really need in a containment system. You need something that won’t break down when exposed to the odorant, won’t cost a fortune to install, and won’t keep you up at night worrying about maintenance. That’s exactly why GPL Odorizers offers HDPE spill containment sumps as an alternative to steel containments.

Here’s what we’re seeing in the field:

  1. No More Corrosion Headaches—Remember when you dealt with rusty steel containments? HDPE just doesn’t corrode, period. No more scraping, painting, or replacing rusted-out sections.
  2. Your Wallet Will Thank You—With steel tariffs pushing prices through the roof, HDPE containments cost about 30-40% less than steel ones. But that’s just the start – you’ll keep saving money year after year because there’s practically no maintenance needed.
  3. Installation is a Breeze—Want to hear something crazy? A customer recently switched from steel to HDPE, and their installation time was cut. Why? HDPE is lighter and easier to work with. No heavy equipment is needed, and no special tools are required.

The Steel Tariff Problem

We don’t like discussing politics, but here’s the reality: steel tariffs have jacked up containment prices by 25% or more. That’s real money coming out of your budget. HDPE helps you dodge that bullet entirely.

What This Means for Your Operation

Let me paint you a picture of what switching to HDPE looks like:

  • Your installation crew may not need a crane
  • Your maintenance team won’t need to schedule regular painting
  • Your safety folks will love the chemical resistance
  • Your finance department will love the cost savings

The Environmental Angle

Here’s something else: HDPE is 100% recyclable and in line with GPL standards to support a greener future. We’re all trying to be better environmental stewards; this is an easy win. Plus, you never need harsh chemicals to clean it—just soap and water do the trick.

HDPE containment system benefits including recyclability, chemical resistance, and maintenance-free propertiesWhat About the Drawbacks?

Let’s be straight with you – no solution is perfect, and HDPE containments do have some considerations you should know about:

  1. Looks Different Than Traditional Steel—If you’re used to the industrial look of steel containments, HDPE has a different appearance. While some operators appreciate its modern, clean look, others find it less traditional than steel. But remember – we’re talking about a containment system, not a piece of artwork.
  2. Temperature Considerations—HDPE can expand and contract more than steel with temperature changes. While our containments are engineered to handle this, proper installation is required to prevent warping in extreme conditions. The good news is that there are minimal issues once it’s installed correctly.
  3. UV Exposure—Like any plastic material, HDPE can be affected by long-term UV exposure. That’s why we use UV-stabilized HDPE in our containments. Still, you might notice slight color changes over time – but this doesn’t affect the containment’s performance or integrity.
  4. Initial Skepticism—Let’s be honest – some folks in our industry hesitate to move away from steel. We get it. Change isn’t always easy. But we’ve seen even the most dedicated steel supporters become HDPE converts once they know the cost savings and performance benefits.

Making the Switch

If you’re considering your next odorizer installation or replacing some old containment systems, give HDPE a serious look. We’ve seen customers save thousands of dollars per installation, and that’s before counting the maintenance savings.

Want to know more about how HDPE containment systems could work for your operation? Call us at (303) 927-7683. We’ll walk you through the options and help you decide if they’re the right choice for your situation.

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Industrial surge protection device installed on gas odorization equipment